June 23, 2011

  • After further review..

    I have found that if you yell at El Shaddai, He will yell back.

    I have also (re?)discovered the wisdom that can be found in innocence.

    And also, that His discipline is a sign that He still loves you, and hasn’t given up on you.

May 30, 2011

  • Best Effin Movie EVER. The End.

    It really just.  I don’t have enough..  ANYthing. ..to express how much this just HIT us on the head.

    Beautiful, beautiful movie.

  • I still believe in Us..

    I know you believe in Us.

    I still believe in you.

    I know you believe in me.

    You just don’t believe in yourself.

    You need to believe in yourself..


    Did you catch all that?

    “Um, no.”

    OK, lemme write it down for you..


May 25, 2011

  • Tuesday, 22 January 2008 (SuddenlyISee)

    Adversity reminds us that life is short, teaches us to live wisely,
    and refines our character.
    We must remember that this life, with all its pain, is not our final destiny.

    We should not demand that God explain everything.

    Pain is inevitable – Suffering is optional…

    With the words above I reflect. I wrote these words way before I really knew what it meant to be in pain.. True pain. True suffering.. And suffering is optional. I choose not to suffer. And sometimes this makes me feel like I’m betraying him. My baby. My little boy. And then I do suffer. And it’s horrid. The pain is encompassing. It’s crushing. It’s debilitating.

    But you keep moving. You make yourself get the fuck up. You make yourself go through one more fucking day.

    And oh how close death seems. Wrapped around your neck. You just don’t realize how close you are to death. How you’re just not even going to be here tomorrow. How short life is. How long eternity is. And you don’t get to decide when you go unless you take your own life..


    You get up. You go on. You face what tomorrow brings and you embrace it. The hurt, the pain, the anxiety, the weight, and then finally.. the release..

    And there is joy in the midst of grief. There is comfort. God is there. He’s right there hurting right along with you… He’s right there crying – catching your tears – grieving because you lost your faith in Him at the most critically inopportune time. Grieving because you had faith in him and lost it when you were crushed under the weight of your own grief.

    God loses His children every single day. He loses them to sin. He loses them to eachother. To molestation.. To addiction. To their own incredibly selfish desires. He loses them because they lose their faith. He loses them because they don’t know Him and have absolutely no desire to know Him.

    And it hurts. To lose your children simply because they don’t believe in you… And even worse to lose the children that do believe in you, but can’t get past their own hang-ups to follow you..

    I find myself doing this alot lately. And perhaps it’s incredibly wrong. To put myself in God’s shoes.. And to be incredibly grateful that I don’t have to ever wear them. I’m glad I’m not God. I don’t presume to believe I could do a better job. Yet we all play God daily. We are made in His image and we all waste our days away trying to create and tear down our own creations… We spend our lives trying to live longer.. live deeper.. live larger.. live better.. Mainly trying to figure out why we’re alive at all..

    Why are we here? Is it for the experience..? If God already knows what’s going to happen from one day to the next – why are we even here? He doesn’t need us to prove Himself right. He already knows the answers.. And we can’t handle these answers.

    But we ask anyway, because that’s what we do.. We live. We question. And we even make up our own answers..

    And then we pass. And still noone really knows.


    Because He loves us. And He only wants for us to believe in Him and love Him. Because that is the only way He can protect us.

    My faith has slipped so badly here lately.. And it’s when my faith slips that I lose that covering. I lose my grip.. I wander aimlessly.. And I crash.

    And in the end I still find Him there.. Waiting paitiently as He’s always been. And I find that He loves me just as much when I believe in Him, as He does when I question Him. And when I ask why??

    Just because, Aja. Just because.

May 20, 2011

  • The Perfect Sulk


      I have learned, from the book of Job, that it is okay to be mad at God.  That it is, in fact, not a sin.

May 15, 2011

  • Darwinism if I ever saw it…

    I read the last entry to him.

    Or, I started to anyhow…  I got to,  “He is jealous as a Husband is for His Wife. He is jealous the way a Father is of the Daughter that’s dating the memory of the boy He knows. Do you know? We were created in His image.”  and he just.. so overwhelned.  Hands up.  Time out.

    Too deep.  Too personal.  Too close to home.

    I apologized and let the rest of the sermon go.

    His cousin bolted.  After observing, “Man, you really put a lot of thought into that..,” and apologizing,  “Man, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to start an arguement,” slipping out with the upmost of humaness.

    And Chris tried to backstroke.  He’s trying to understand it all.  But.  Hands up.

    And i know.  if i would just get out of the way.

    maybe not so much intensity?


May 14, 2011

  • About Apologetics..

    Why did God create man? To not be alone?  Of Course.

    To glorify Him?  Did He?  Why wouldn’t we?  Why shouldn’t we?  He’s our Father.  He made us.  He loves us because we are His.  His creation.  He loved us before we were here. He loved us as a mother loves the child in her womb. And He KNEW us as a mother knows the child who’s heart will break.  And as the mother who knows her child may break the hearts of others.  And He created us anyway.

    Isn’t that a little selfish?  For Him to want us to glorify Him?  Who doesn’t want to be recognized for gifts.  For the creation of a beautifully fragile work of art.  For many creations, built to strenghten His Work of Art.

    How then are we supposed to be selfless?  Because we weren’t made to be just “self”.

    If He is a jealous God, why is it a sin for us to be jealous?  He is jealous as a Husband is for His Wife.  He is jealous the way a Father is of the Daughter that’s dating the memory of the boy He knows.  Do you know?  We were created in His image.  We know  that jealousy.  That jealousy is not a sin.  It’s the jealousy of a loving God.  That does not want us to be jealous of what is not ours.  But to be grateful for what is already ours.  What has been given to us by Him.

    If man was created in His image, then why is man imperfect? Why did He create us imperfectly? Why give us free will and flesh and then deem them sinful? Why does He judge us, if He created us this way?  He didn’t create us imperfectly.  He made us incomplete.  Only perfectly created to fit together.  Individually we are incredibly fragile.  The more we work together to become whole, the stronger we’ll be.  Each of us is a strand made of diamond.  Breakable, but sharp.  The more we break, the sharpness slips away.  This is done of our own choice(s).  Choices that knock against the next diamond strand that may have fallen away.

    Why does God allow free will?  Because He is not a cosmic rapist.  My favorite answer.  I can’t remember the name of the book.  But I remember where I found it.  In the church’s book store.  During the service I wasn’t able to make it to because I couldn’t stop crying to put my frickin’ makeup on.  And I know He didn’t care about the makeup, and was glad I’d tried to come home.

    To give us a choice? Well, yeah..  A choice to love.  Him and eachother.  The two greatest commandments.  “Love Me, Love Eachother.”

    Why give us/allow us have choices/temptations that lead to our own and others’ demise/destruction?  We are intelligent – another gift.  And apart from Him.  Apart from eachother.  We are brilliantly self/mass-destructive.

    Why not just abolish sin and temptations? Are sin and temptations necessary to free will?  Sin and temptations will be destroyed.  I don’t know. I have no idea.  Surely they aren’t necessary to free will.. 

    Will we not have these choices (free will) in Heaven? Why do we have them now?  It is done.  You have the choice.  Reject or accept Him and His Family.  Sin and temptations are being and will be finally destroyed.  As for free choice, if it must be taken away, please also take with it the desire to do what You wouldn’t approve of.  Take the memory, the desire, and all of this flesh.  It ties me down.  It hurts, aches, lusts, and is just altogether incredibly inconvenient.

    If He is omniscient & omnipresent, if He knows when, why, and how we’re going to succeed/fail/live/die, why create us in the first place?  See answer to first and second questions. 

    Why create a person He knows is destined for Hell?  Why create/allow the creation of anyone that He already knows will disappoint Him?  He didn’t.  “For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world that He might condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God.”

    I understand pieces of this.  If I sent my son to go get the rest of my children, to go tell them the truth and tell it like it is.  And they rejected us, by rejecting the Truth my child was delivering in love for them.  I made them, and guided them, myself.  And provided every opportunity and path..  And they fell away, refusing to listen to what I’d put inside of them.  He is HIM.  He is me.  Just like my children are me – a part of me.  Incomplete without me.  And I am incomplete without them, all three of my own children.  Because He MADE us this way.  Right there.  He’s there.  He didn’t make us to be alone.  He made us to be with Him.  With eachother.  All together.   All of us.  *Insert Barney song, lol. 

    But I also believe He wants us ALL.  He said that.  And then He sent His Son to tell us the same damn thing.

    How do we know if we’re predestined for Heaven or Hell?  He didn’t make Hell for us.

    Why create Hell if He is loving and forgiving? How does the creation of Hell fit in with scriptures that say He is loving/forgiving?  Hell is for sin and temptation.  And for those who can’t stand/accept letting them go.

    Why create Satan? Did He love Satan? Would He not be able to forgive Satan? If all we have to do to get to Heaven, is believe in Jesus; wouldn’t Satan be allowed in Heaven? I’m pretty sure he believes in Jesus.  Satan believes in sin and self.  He created temptation to withdraw us, mislead us.  The Father of Lies.  He twisted the beauty of desire.  And the beauty of Truth.  And consequently the beautiful simplicity of the desire for Truth.  He has created and embraced chaos, and cannot be allowed to contaminate the New Kingdom with it all. 

    Why didn’t He come Himself to be crucified? Why would He send His Son? How can His Son be Him at the same time? It wasn’t Jesus’ will to die. - ”Not my will, but Yours be done.”  Jesus felt the pull of His flesh, the desperation of all the sin that was about to fall on Him.  He sweat blood, because His flesh was about to bear every sin, every rape, every neglection of lost parents that had never been shown or accepted His Truth, the genocides, the heart-wrenching loss of so many children.  His children…  He felt the separation from His Father at the cross, until He let go of His own flesh..  So that we would understand how completely we would be separated, if we chose to honor our flesh instead of Him.

    Maybe?  I don’t know.  But it feels right.  And wrong.  And heartbreaking.  And I still wonder..  Will I always be a mess in this flesh?

May 13, 2011

  • Regarding: Platitudes in the mess of life..

    Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011, 8:11 PM
    From: My Mom
    Platitudes in the mess of life
    To: Me

    1. Hebrews Chapters 11 – 12. I have these memorized. May not help now.

    Hymn “Further along we’ll know all about it.

    Jesus saying “In the world you will have trouble, but be not afraid, for I have overcome the world

    Sometimes it’s harder to keep believing than not to

    Steve Taylor has a song like that “It’s harder to believe than not to.”

    Subject: Regarding: Platitudes in the mess of life..
    To: My Mom
    Date: Thursday, May 12, 2011, 11:52 PM

    Lol, Mom, you couldn’t deliver a platitude if your life depended on it.  But I really love that about you.

    You know..  Thru all this, I have been formally introduced to apologetics.  Which is the path the Good, Gracious, Endlessly PatienT Lord has mercifully lead me to.  I realize I’ve been scratching at the wild side..  Just one foot..  “But LOOK, Dad!  I just really don’t know why You think it’ll be dangerous over there.  I mean, why would You move us to a home right By the over there?” said as I clutch at His robe, painfully aware of my lukewarmness.

    So I’ve been fasting – inspired by my friend at work..  She’s really cool, Yolanda.  Very down to Earth.  Black and proud, and desperately wishes she had a ghetto booty.  We have that in common.  Lookin’ like we got hit upside the a-with-two-s’s wid a fryin’ pan.  Lol.  Anywho, I’d asked her if she wanted one of my Life Savers Wint-o-green’s..  And she sucked in a breath and resisted.  And explained that she was fasting.

    And it struck me like a lightbulb (See? Now that’s a platitude ), so I started fasting sweets, fried foods, and media.

    I told her the next day.  And we went out and talked, while I smoked.  And she told me she didn’t know what to tell me about all my questions that receive platitudes.  And she could feel me, on that.  But that I did need to forgive God.  And that He was still (obviously) workin’ with me.  I replied, saying something similar to the note of, “Even though I’m acting like my own children..”

    She laughed.  Yeah..

    And today I heard a radio program on 88.3, the station Leslie listens to Joyce Meyers on, every morning.  The “Point of View” talk show had a guest speaker, Paul Copan – Who, I’m sure you’ve heard of, and read 5 of his books already, lol.

    So Dr. Copan has a new book out, “Is God a Moral Monster?”

    And here He’s brought me.  Here I am.  I mean, just the Title, lol.  I feel like He’s answered me already.  So I’ve sent that book, and “Holman QuickSource Guide to Christian Apologetics” to our Kindle’s.  (My way of telling you, you can download them on your end, when you get a chance )  And I bought the Apologetics Study Bible, and Apologetics Study Bible for Students, for Doodle and myself..  And perhaps shopped compulsively, even though I sought after the best reviewed, and cheapest version of my purchases..  *Sucks at teeth..  But I really started feeling that memory of when He swept me off my feet to the AjaLand He’d created for me.


    Thank you, Mom.  For your wise wannabe platitudes, lol.  Perfectly timed and delivered.

    Thank GOD it doesn’t take me too long nowadays, to let Him lead me back to the path, lol.

    I love you, Mom..  And thank you for the beautiful card.  It is incredibly lovely.

    I love you.  Everything about you.  Thank you for easing me back in.

    ~ Your Aja Bree

    These all died in faith
    without having received the promises,
    but they saw them from a distance,
    greeted them, and confessed
    that they were foreigners

    and temporary residents on the earth.

    Now those who say such things
    make it clear that they are seeking

    a homeland.
    If they had been remembering
    that land they came from,
    they would have had opportunity
    to return.

    But they now aspire to a better land –
    a heavenly one.
    Therefore God is not ashamed
    to be called their God,
    for He has prepared a city for them.
    (Heb. 11:13-16)

May 8, 2011

  • Questions That Receive Platitudes..

    Why did God create man?

    To not be alone?  To glorify Him?

    Isn’t that a little selfish?

    How then are we supposed to be selfless?

    If He is a jealous God, why is it a sin for us to be jealous?

    If man was created in His image, then why is man imperfect? Why did He create us imperfectly? Why give us free will and flesh and then deem them sinful?  Why does He judge us, if He created us this way?

    Why does God allow free will?

    To give us a choice?

    Why give us/allow us have choices/temptations that lead to our own and others’ demise/destruction?

    Why not just abolish sin and temptations? Are sin and temptations necessary to free will?

    Will we not have these choices (free will) in Heaven?  Why do we have them now?

    If He is omniscient & omnipresent, if He knows when, why, and how we’re going to succeed/fail/live/die, why create us in the first place?  Why create a person He knows is destined for Hell?  Why create/allow the creation of anyone that He already knows will disappoint Him?

    How do we know if we’re predestined for Heaven or Hell?

    Why create Hell if He is loving and forgiving?  How does the creation of Hell fit in with scriptures that say He is loving/forgiving?

    Why create Satan?  Did He love Satan?  Would He not be able to forgive Satan?  If all we have to do to get to Heaven, is believe in Jesus, wouldn’t Satan be allowed in Heaven?  I’m pretty sure he believes in Jesus.

    Why didn’t He come Himself to be crucified?  Why would He send His Son?  How can His Son be Him at the same time?  It wasn’t Jesus’ will to die. “Not my will, but Yours be done.”

    Please, Lord.  I don’t know if I need or want the answers to these questions.  But there they are.  These questions challenge You, I’m sure.  Please forgive me.  I need peace.  I need these answers.  I need this confusion to be untangled.  I need Your Word, Your explanations.  If anything is in me, that You haven’t put there, I BEG You to take it out, cast it away, these parts that have predestined me to damnation.  And if I am predestined to fall away from You, anyway, to be cast away from You, please be merciful and cast me into nothingness.  And withdraw my consciousness of the separation, and the pain of being wherever You have destined me to be if it is not with You.

    Continue reading

May 1, 2011

  • To Do List

    Finish painting the kitchen cabinet shelves.

    Organize all piles of ppwk, mail, notices, etc.

    Organize junk drawer craw.

    Organize mess all over my side of the bedroom.

    LAUNDRY.  Wash AND put AWAY

    Vacuum and detail car.

    Trash.  Everywhere.

    Sweep & mop.

    Do husband.  (At 2:30 am) – Well, naw.

    Wash clothes for Kristina.

    Call Leslie to see if she still wants possibly defective monitor.  No!  Not defective, that was Doodle’s monitor.  Before we stole it.  :-

    Install updates & anti-virus on computer’s.

    Attach external memory deal to wireless dealy.

    Start give-away collection.  Ten items daily, for.. like.. months.